• Saturday, July 27, 2024



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  • JusticiaLegal

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    Last applicants’ attorneys from ‘Justicia Legal’ investigation get their cases dismissed in Orange County Superior Court more than six years after being charged

    Rony M. Barsoum and Jorge Humberto Reyes had their cases dismissed February 1, 2024.  Robin Jacobs’ case was dismissed on January 29, 2024.  These three applicants’ attorneys were part of the original June 5, 2017 Complaint from the Orange County District Attorney.  This complaint was rife with charges of workers’ compensation claims fraud.  There were... Read More

    USA Photocopy and Providence Scheduling cases in Orange County had very complex procedural histories from 2017 to 2023.   But less than three months before seven dismissals, one defendant ended his own life.

    Fari Rezai’s case would have been dismissed in less than three months from the date of his suicide if he had decided to live.  He went for six years under prosecution.  And in three more months, it all would have been dismissed from his life.  It went like this with six pleading documents from the... Read More

    Justicia Legal or USA Photocopy and Providence Scheduling.  It’s the same group with two different names.

    Orange County deputy district attorney, Noorul Hasan, called the cases the “USA Photocopy and Providence Scheduling” cases. But they were dubbed Justicia Legal by ICW Group investigator Teena Barton.  Both are good names for the group of defendants.  The group was eventually comprised of more than a dozen defendants, the first group being charged on... Read More

    The Justicia Legal crowd.  Seven dismissals. Jon Woods, Robert Slater, and Mark Ridley-Thomas.  Then Dennis Fusi.

    The first complaint filings were on June 5th 2017.  The defendants seemed like a clan.  They evoked the feeling of a cult.   It was Orange County.  The court house was the one on Civic Center Drive in Santa Ana.  The defendants were mostly workers’ compensation applicants’ attorneys who were perceived by insurance payers and... Read More

    Seven cases from “Justicia Legal” in Orange County dismissed

    In the afternoon Thursday, August 31st 2023, in the Orange County Superior Court in Santa Ana, the honorable Judge Colover from court room C-53 sustained demurrers filed by seven defendants.  The round-up known for its nickname “Justicia Legal” charged about a dozen applicants’ attorneys and marketing cappers starting on June 5th 2017 with workers’ compensation... Read More
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