• Saturday, July 27, 2024



    Fraud from inside and outside the courtroom - at adjustercom.net

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  • LeticiaLemusAlvarez

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    Dr. Munir Uwaydah, circa 2008. Photo copyright Lonce Lamonte, all rights reserved

    Dr. Uwaydah Case In DTLA: Judge puts protective order on witness Shannon Devane’s proffer and daily testimony.  Prosecutor adamant to prevent Uwyadah’s reprisals on witnesses.

    On the afternoon of January 28, 2021, in the downtown L.A. courtroom of Judge Larry Fidler, presiding over the preliminary hearing of Leticia Lemus, a former manager for the Criminal Organization Munir Uwaydah, witness Shannon Devane told Leticia’s attorney she spoke to numerous applicants’ attorneys about their clients not getting their medications or their medical... Read More
    Munir Uwaydah, June 2010, copyright Lonce Lamonte

    Dr. Uwaydah Fraud Case In DTLA.  Prosecutor voices concern that defense attorney is asking questions of the witness just to fish for information for Dr. Uwaydah. 

    Deputy district attorney Dayan Mathai came back on the record on January 28th 2021 after requesting a short break to talk to the attorney of the witness Shannon Moore Devane.  After the way the cross examination had been going by George Shohet, defendant Leticia Lemus’s defense counsel, Mathai was concerned about Shohet as Dr. Uwaydah’s... Read More

    Dr. Uwaydah Case In DTLA.  Witness Shannon Devane Testifies About Thousands Of Bills Going Out For Fanatrex.

    Further along in her testimony of January 28th 2021, for witness Shannon Devane the fraudulent overbillings of Fanatrex consisted of thousands and thousands of bills.  Dr. Uwaydah had told her it wasn’t just one, and it wasn’t just 20.  He expressed that it was an enormous amount of bills that had gone out, and it... Read More
    Dr. Munir Uwaydah, circa 2008. Photo copyright Lonce Lamonte, all rights reserved

    Uwaydah Case In Downtown L.A.  Witness Shannon Moore Devane Weeps On The Witness Stand When Testifying Of Her Friendship With Defendant Leticia Lemus

    Shannon Devane continued on the witness stand, being questioned by deputy district attorney and lead prosecutor, Dayan Mathai, on January 28, 2021.  She was called by the People and was still under direct examination.  Mathai picked up questioning her about the companies into which Frontline Medical transitioned.  She explained that Frontline became Firstline.  And the... Read More
    Dr. Munir Uwaydah at year’s end 2008. Copyright Lonce Lamonte, all rights reserved

    Dr. Uwaydah case in LA. Leticia Lemus Preliminary Hearing. Shannon Moore Devane testifies.

    It was still Leticia Lemus’s preliminary hearing in downtown L.A. on the afternoon of January 27th 2021.  Leticia had been a manager for Dr. Munir Uwaydah for many years during the early 21st Century.  Now it came time for her defense attorney, George Shohet, to cross-examine the witness, DA investigator Edgar Murguia.  Shohet spent the... Read More
    Dr. Munir Uwaydah, circa 2008. All rights reserved, copyrighted.

    Uwaydah case in LA; Leticia Lemus’s preliminary hearing.  DA investigator goes undercover.

    Investigator Tim McCrillis is still on the witness stand.  It’s still January 27th late in the morning. He is shown People’s exhibits eight and nine by Leticia’s defense attorney George Shohet.  Shohet wants to know if the exhibits are from location 13.  Yes, McCrillis affirms they are from location 13.  Shohet then asks if exhibits... Read More
    Munir Uwaydah, June 2010, copyright Lonce Lamonte

    Preliminary Hearing For Defendant Leticia Lemus Continues in Uwaydah Case in DTLA on Afternoon of January 26th 2021. Her Lawyer Made It Obvious He Hadn’t Read The Discovery.

    Dayan Mathai, the lead prosecutor, asked the witness, Sergeant McCrillis, more about the prescription formularies and if Marisa Schermbeck said the doctors’ signatures were signed to those formularies.  She told him yes, the doctors’ signatures were signed or forged on the formularies.   Most often, Dr. Johnson’s signature was forged.  And Marisa said she witnessed the... Read More
    Dr. Munir Uwaydah, circa 2008. All rights reserved, copyrighted.

    Marisa Tells Witness Sergeant McCrillis How Every Box In The Formulary Was To Be Checked In Downtown L.A. Dr. Uwaydah Case

    In downtown Los Angeles, the Preliminary Hearing for Dr. Uwaydah manager, Leticia Lemus, continued in the afternoon of January 26th 2021. Witness Sergeant McCrillis testified further that Marisa Schermbeck, who proffered to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office in 2017 when she was granted immunity for her testimony, told him Dr. Uwaydah’s entire objective was... Read More
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